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Informationen zur Rücksendeadresse

You can order easily using our online platform. When you find a product you need, you can add it to cart, fill in the form and go through the ordering process. After the order is ready, you will receive order summary to your email. Order summary will also be stored to your account.

Wie ändere ich die E-Mail-Adresse meines Kontos?

Sie können die mit Ihrem Rome Tech-Konto verknüpfte E-Mail-Adresse ändern, indem Sie von einem Laptop oder Desktop aus zu rometech.com/account gehen.

Wie funktioniert die Abrechnung?

Delivery is free for all products and orders.

Wie kontaktiere ich den Support?

Yes, it is possible. If you would like to cancel your order for some reason, you can cancel it by going to your account on the website.

Why was my order cancelled?

Your order may be cancelled due to lack of stock. However, you will receive the relevant information for your order, in any case. You will be sent an email to the email address you left in the order form and you will also be contacted by the customer service department.